Home In recent days, Ki Young Ju, the founder and CEO of CryptoQuant, noted on social media platform X that the current Bitcoin (BTC) atmosphere mirrors the mid-2020 period. During that time, BTC hovered around $10,000 for six months with frequent on-chain activity, later revealed as over-the-counter (OTC) transactions. Despite current low price volatility, on-chain activity remains vibrant, with $1 billion added daily to new whale wallets. This resurgence signals a pivotal moment for the cryptocurrency market, much like in 2020, and BITCIONS Exchange stands poised to leverage these dynamics to advance the digital currency landscape. Text

In recent days, Ki Young Ju, the founder and CEO of CryptoQuant, noted on social media platform X that the current Bitcoin (BTC) atmosphere mirrors the mid-2020 period. During that time, BTC hovered around $10,000 for six months with frequent on-chain activity, later revealed as over-the-counter (OTC) transactions. Despite current low price volatility, on-chain activity remains vibrant, with $1 billion added daily to new whale wallets. This resurgence signals a pivotal moment for the cryptocurrency market, much like in 2020, and BITCIONS Exchange stands poised to leverage these dynamics to advance the digital currency landscape.

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